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What people are saying about Ideal Canine!


As the owner of a reactive dog, I've experienced the challenges and frustrations that come with managing their behavior. Modano was pent up and quick to react to any triggers, whether it was other dogs, people, cars, or even certain sounds such as the cross walk beep. Cattle dogs are not meant for city life. I was uneducated and way in over my head with the breed I chose. 

I sought the help of a professional trainer Kristi with Ideal Canine. She provided me with valuable guidance and tools to help manage Modano's reactivity. Kristi is full of endless information and backing it up with action then results.

It has taken time, patience, and dedication, but I can now confidently walk my dog. With exciting times ahead!! We can also explore the world of dog sporting together - Modano leading the charge! Swimming, tracking games & strength training; so many ways to bond. It's a testament to the power of professional training and the potential for positive change in reactive dogs. 

We cannot thank Kristi enough! Helping us grow and get our lives back to a comfortable stress free place.


I own an Australian kelpie, my first dog. He was on an anxiety medication, not taking food and had a lack of energy. I was overwhelmed from him lunging, chasing cars, bikes and anything moving, excessively pulling on leash.

I was at my wits end and wanted to give up and then I met kristi from ideal canine and after working with her I noticed a huge change in Otis and he was taken off the anxiety medication!

I started noticing huge improvements. I'm able to get his focus, he has his energy back and is happier. I feel that I have improved my relationship with him with her support and guidance.

I highly recommend her.

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